Our Guidebook is Printed!

We’re excited to say that we’ve finally laid our hands on a paper copy of our new guidebook – morePeru-Front-Cover-683x1024 than a year of hard work, condensed into 300g!

This advance copy was flown in from the printers, and the boxes of other copies should be in the UK by around 20th January, and can then start being distributed. If you’re looking for invaluable information about hiking or biking in this beautiful mountain area, inspiration about where to head to in the Andes, or just want to look at some pretty pictures and maps, please order yourself a copy.

We’ve put together the little website blancahuayhuash.com to sell the book from – please do take a look. If you buy directly from said site we can sign the copies we send you out, and the bonus for us is that we keep a far bigger percentage of the proceeds from the sale. If you’d prefer, you can also buy the guide (pre-order it, at the moment) from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com – there are links to these sites from this page at blancahuayhuash.com . (We get a small commission if you click through to Amazon from these links, but it doesn’t cost you anything extra).

Merry Christmas everyone, and once all the seasonal festivities are over, why not cheer yourself up in January with a copy of the guide to help plan for a trip to Peru?!


H & N

We’ll leave you with some shots of us at work in the field …

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2 thoughts on “Our Guidebook is Printed!

  1. Paulo Seth

    Hi. Any chance this will be available in electronic format soon? (Kindle, Google Play Books, etc)
    Looks very interesting. I am doing the Camino de Santiago and a few shorter rides next year, but want to plan for something like this in 2016 perhaps even towards the end of 2015 depending on time and money available.

    1. Neil and Harriet Post author

      Hi Paulo,
      Thanks for the message and for your interest! We are hoping to do an ebook version of the guide, but first we have to sell enough of the paper-copy. When/if we do start work on the ebook version, we’ll notify people via the website.

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