South America Stats

To 28/3/11, Cañuelas, Arg Total Bra Arg Uru Chi Bol Per
Days in Country 561 33 293 9 77 90 59
Distance Cycled 21,026km 1,885 10,896 639 2,480 3,135 1,990
Days of Cycling 311 19 151 8 45 56 32
Time Cycling 1,606hrs 112 767 32 208 296 191
Average Speed 13.1kph 16.9 14.2 19.8 11.9 10.6 10.4
Av. Dist/Cycle Day 67.6km 99.2 72.2 79.9 55.1 56.0 62.2
Longest Day (km) 152km 139 149 131 152 106 134
100km+ Days 49 7 30 4 4 2 2
Longest Day (hrs) 9h59 7h15 8h37 6h10 8h37 9h59 9h37
On Unpaved Roads 10,245km 126 4,442 0 1,590 2,420 1,668
% Unpaved Roads 48.7% 6.7 40.8 0 64.1 77.2 83.8
Kms Pushed 133km 0 58 0 20 40 15
Kms Unloaded 506km 28 306 0 74 99 0
Max. Altitude 5,130m/
n/k 4,966 n/k 5,130 5,061/
4,000m Passes 58 0 11 0 9 13 25
Max Sleeping Altitude 5,061m 1,004 4,395 107 4,573 5,061 4,963
Nights above 4,000m 100 0 35 0 16 29 20
Most Climbing/Day 3,178m n/k 1,606 n/k 1,856 3,178 2,025
1,000m+ Climb Days >51 n/k >16 0 >5 15 15
Steepest Incline 22% n/k 19 n/k 19 22 22
Most Descending/Day 4,733m n/k 3,043 n/k 1,783 3,022 4,733
Max Speed (H) 81.3kph 68.8 71.4 52.9 63.3 81.3 60.3
Max Speed (N) 70.0kph 68.7 67.4 58.7 70.0 60.7 57.6
Highest Av. Speed/Day 23.58kph 19.15 23.58 22.14 21.21 18.50 15.87
Lowest Av. Speed/Day 3.00kph 7.44 5.46 14.35 3.00 4.17 7.50
Punctures (H) 19 3 7 0 3 2 4
Punctures (N) 14 0 11 0 1 1 1
Cycle Tourists Met 82 0 28 0 47 5 2
Bed 245 19 90 2 26 65 43
Campsite 125 5 96 6 18 0 0
Wild Camp 186 8 105 1 30 26 16
On Transport 5 1 3 0 1 0 0
Max (On Bike) 40C n/k 40 n/k 26 38 34
Min (On Bike) -11C n/k -7 n/k -5 -11 -6
Min (Outside Tent) -20C n/k -12 n/k -17 -20 -9
Min (Inside Tent) -18C n/k -10 n/k -16 -18 -8

* With unloaded bike.

Max/Min Stats
Longest day by distance : 152.47km – Near Porvenir to Argentinian San Sebastian, Tierra del Fuego. All unpaved.

Longest day by time (all cycling) : 9h59 – La Florida to La Paz, Bolivia.

Longest day by time (cycling and hiking) : 12h12 – climb of Volcan Lanin (1,250m ascent, 2,700m descent – 8h56) followed by 66km cycle to Junin de los Andes (3h16), Argentina.

Maximum Altitude with loaded bikes : 5,130m on Cerro Aucanquilcha, Region II, Chile; and crossing Abra Azuca, Apurimac, Peru.

Maximum Altitude with unloaded bikes : 5,509m – On Acotango, Oruro, Bolivia.

Maximum Sleeping Altitude when with our bikes : 5,061m – base camp for Acotango, Oruro, Bolivia. When on a standard road and not on a track up a mountain: 4,966m – near Abra Azuca, Peru. (When hiking: 5,748m – high camp on Ojos del Salado, Argentina.)

Most climbing in a day : 3,178m – La Florida (1,649m) to La Paz over La Cumbre (4,671m), Yungas, Bolivia.

Most descending in a day : 4,733m – Before Abra Viraco (4,940m) to Aplao (627m), Dpto de Arequipa, Peru.

Most ascent plus descent in a day : 5,352m – (619m up, 4,733m down) before Abra Viraco to Aplao, Peru. Next most: 4,829m (1,977m up, 2,852m down) – Inquisivi to Circuata – Yungas, Bolivia.

Steepest incline : 22% – Climbing up from Pallayunga on the loop from La Paz to Sorata via Mapiri – Yungas, Bolivia; and at about 4,900m climbing Abra Huacullo, Apurimac, Peru.

Steepest daily gradient : 9.1% – 612m/6.71kms, pushing up Aucanquilcha, Chile. Steepest all cycled: 7.3% – 847m/11.53kms, climbing to Vallecitos, Cordon del Plata, Argentina.

Steepest kilometre climbed: >150m on the climb up from Pallayunga, Yungas, Bolivia.

Least amount climbed on a 100+km day: 32m (in 115kms) – Laguna del Monte, Cordoba to Ameghino, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Maximum speeds : 81.3kph (H) – descending from Paso Chungara/Tambo Quemado, Oruro Province, Bolivia.
70.0kph (N) – down a 1% slope on the way to Paso Jama, Region II, Chile. Nice tailwind.

Highest daily average speed : 23.58kph – Salina de Jama to Susques, Jujuy, Argentina.

Lowest daily average speed : 3.00kph – Pushing (and a bit of cycling) from 4,500m up to 5,130m on Cerro Aucanquilcha, Region II, Chile.

Lowest daily maximum speed : 6.68kph – That same day pushing up Aucanquilcha.

Maximum temperature on the bikes : 40C (that’s what the weather forecast said – we didn’t have our thermometers yet) – the day we cycle-pushed to Colonia Pellegrini, Corrientes, Argentina.

Minimum temperature on the bikes : -11C – Leaving Polques just after dawn, Dpto de Potosi, Bolivia.

Minimum temperature outside our tent : -20C – Camping in a llama corral, Laguna Colorada, Dpto de Potosi, Bolivia (-18C in the tent).

Longest stretch without precipitation : 101 days – Cuesta de Zapata, Argentina (rain) to Abra Huayllamarca, Bolivia (snow).

Longest distance we pushed the bikes in a day : 15km – Through sand on the way to Colonia Pellegrini, Corrientes, Argentina.

Longest stretch without seeing tarmac : 1,085km – Hito Cajon, Region II, Chile to Tambo Quemado, Oruro, Bolivia.

Most consecutive nights of camping : 34 – Buenos Aires to Bariloche, Argentina.

Most consecutive days of cycling : 15 – Boicucanga to Iguazu Falls, Brazil.

Most consecutive days of hiking : 15 – Cordon Ojos del Salado, Puna, Catamarca, Argentina.

Most consecutive days off (no cycling or hiking) : 11 – Caylloma, Dpto de Arequipa, Peru.

Longest stretch without a puncture : 3,073km (N) – Charaña, La Paz, Bolivia to near Abancay, Peru.

Longest distance cycled without a stop: 68kms – El Portezuelo (766m) to red light in Chepes (651m), La Rioja, Argentina.

Most water carried on the bikes : 15 litres – Leaving Salar de Pocitos for Antofagasta de la Sierra, Salta, Argentina.

Most food carried on the bikes : 15 days – on the way from Villa Union to the Puna de Atacama, Argentina. We were back in civilization after 6 days, so were eating instant noodles for a long time…

Most restaurant meals eaten in a 24 hour period : 7 – Llica, Dpto de Potosi, Bolivia.

Longest time without a fresh fruit or vegetable: 17 days – hiking on the Puna, Catamarca, Argentina

Longest time without a shower: 21 days – Fiambala to Villa Union (though we went to termas in this time). Without a wash: 17 days – hiking on the Puna, Catamarca, Argentina.

Longest time without seeing another human being: 8 days – hiking on the Puna, Catamarca, Argentina (the first 7 days the only signs of life we were 2 insects and a small patch of lichen).

Longest we were followed by a dog: 30km – Near Puyuhuapi, Carretera Austral, Chile.

Longest we were followed by a 3-legged dog : 26km – Leaving Rio de los Sauces, Cordoba, Argentina.

People we cycled with
Mateo Pierle (USA) : Near El Calafate – Ushuaia, Argentina (8 days).
Janne Corax (Swe) : Villa Union – Portezuelo de Laguna Brava, La Rioja, Argentina (4 days).
Lorenzo Rojo (Spa) : Tinogasta, Argentina – Laguna Blanca, Bolivia (24 days).
Jean-Marc Sage (Fra) : Colchani – Llica, Potosi, Bolivia (2 days).